30.10.2021: Work on steam locomotive 50 3570
In order to keep steam locomotive 50 3570 safely in operation next year, we are carrying out some more extensive work on the locomotive during the winter break. We had already reported that the tender's brake system is being overhauled. Now the final work on it has been done: You probably know, dear visitors of our news, that the brake of the steam locomotive works with compressed air. In order to brake, the compressed air is fed through several brake cylinders where it presses on the brake pistons.These brake pistons have now been fitted with new sleeves so that no air can escape unintentionally at the sides of the pistons, thereby reducing the braking effect. In the following picture we see two colleagues who are about to install a brake piston

In the following picture you can see the brake piston installed in the brake cylinder. The piston rod is still missing, which is inserted into the thin tube and connected to the fork in the foreground. By the way, the round disc on the right side of the picture is the inside of a wheel of the tender.
Meanwhile, other colleagues were busy removing the steam regulator. For this purpose, a hatch, the so-called steam dome, is opened at the top of the boiler in order to be able to remove the regulator.
No, no Martians have landed. Rather, the tender of the locomotive was driven to our outdoor area at noon so that it could be sandblasted. This involves bombarding the metal surfaces with a granulate that removes the rust. You have to wear a protective suit for this work because the granules whirling around can cause injuries.
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