Forthcoming steam weekends: 03-04 May 2025; 05-06 July 2025; 14 September 2025; 20 September 2025; 04-05 October 2025
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
03-04 May 2025: Saisoneröffnung


15.09.2024: Late summer news from the engine shed

The weather is still great, the school holidays are over. So there's no excuse not to work at full speed in the museum. The active members thought the same thing last weekend and worked on several sites at the same time.
On 50 3570, the lid of the steam dome, under which the so-called steam regulator is located, was opened. This is a large valve through which our engine drivers can direct steam from the boiler into the cylinders to accelerate the locomotive. This valve and the associated mechanical connections will soon be removed so that they can be refurbished as part of the main inspection of the boiler.

The rework on our Breuer shunting tractor was a little less strenuous. Once the paintwork was complete, the roof could be fitted and the lighting connected to the vehicle's electrical system. During further test drives, the tension of the drive chains was adjusted so that it now runs perfectly smooth again.

There is also news from coach 197 805, the interior of which has been undergoing a thorough renovation for some time. But you can already begin to see how beautiful it will be. We were able to complete the installation of the wooden wall panelling and the ceiling cladding and finish painting the ceiling.

Our diesel locomotive 0604 (ex Osthannoversche Eisenbahn) also received a little new paint. It has been painted with the usual yellow-black warning paint at both ends of the locomotive.

The Pwg goods wagon underwent rust restoration. Affected areas of the wagon's sheet metal skin were cut out and replaced with repair panels. Now a new coat of paint is still missing, which is to be applied in the autumn.

Our bell garden is also growing in the form of further installations, which are currently being painted and assembled. In addition, cables are being laid so that the chimes can soon be demonstrated in operation.

Last Sunday we were able to organise a very special event. As part of the ‘Klanglandschaft Prignitz’ series of events, classical music with works by Vivaldi and Mozart was performed in the engine shed. Almost a hundred music enthusiasts responded to the organisers' call and enjoyed the particularly good acoustics in our locomotive shed.

Our autumn steam event is now fast approaching. Initial preparations in the form of a radical green cut with heavy equipment were completed last Saturday.

We are particularly looking forward to the Steam Days on 12 and 13 October 2024, when we will also be welcoming steam locomotive 86 1744 from the PRESS Group. We hope to see you then!
vehicles: 50 3570-4, OHE 0604, 197 805-5, Pwg 88, Breuer Lokomotor

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Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge